Sunday, March 22, 2020

Oracle to 19c Rac in place upgrade using response file

Oracle to 19c  Rac in place upgrade using response file 

Below are steps we  followed  to  silent upgrade  2 node   rac    to 19c on same server.

Before we  start  upgrade its necessary to have strong rollback plan , hence will be  highlighting rollback plan  Also .  Please  ensure  we have proper database and  binary backups in place .

Before we  start upgrade  , please note  19c upgrade will need  some 32gb  free  space  in  grid  diskgroup .   Ensure to  check free space  rightly from asmcm>lsdg  under  usable free ms , rather checking from sqlplus   . Its better to have 40gb free space in grid home before we start upgrade

 After  upgrade its also important to track  that  your backups are  Successful and user upgrade their client  to 19c

There is also  AutoUpgrade Tool  as per (Doc ID 2485457.1)    introduced which we can try to explore .

#################### Take  necessary backups    ####################

1) Add newly allocated disk  to Ocr  diskgroup 
2) Take Tar backup of grid home  and database home
3)  Take  backup of asm metadata , ocr and  olr 
4) Verify dataabase full backup is taken 
5)  Verify dataguard is in sync 

####################    Grid  upgrade    ####################

1) On both nodes as root

o+r /etc/inittab

2)  Stop   dataguard log shipping

3)  on both nodes make 19.3.0 and grid  directory with grid user ownership

 4)  Download and unzip  Grid software On 1st  node only

5) Prepare response file on 1st node only  . Right response file parameter is very  crucial  for  upgrade to be successful .



6)  On 1st node only  run pre upgrade script  from new home and  generate fix script if generated .   as grid user

./ stage -pre crsinst -upgrade
-rolling -src_crshome /oragridzj/app/12.1.0/grid/ -dest_crshome /oragridzj/app/19.3.0/grid -dest_version -fixup -verbose

7)  on 1st  node  run grid setup   dry run  from new home   . Smarting  from 19c we have option to run dry run  before we  actually  do upgrade .   Note , this will copy  software to 2nd  node .

./ -silent -dryRunForUpgrade 
-responseFile /oragridzj/app/19.3.0/grid/install/response/gridsetup.rsp

8)  Run actual run from  1st node

./ -silent
-responseFile /oragridzj/app/19.3.0/grid/install/response/gridsetup.rsp

9) modify .profile   to point to new home

10)  On Both Nodes   Verify  files if  looks fine and point to new grid home


11)    On   1st node only   Detach old home and  verify  inventory on   both nodes

/oragridzj/app/12.1.0/grid/oui/bin/runInstaller -detachHome -silent

12) Perform  reboot test  for both nodes

13) re enable  dataguard log shipping and  ensure dg in sync 

####################   Database  Pre upgrade Patch     ####################

Patches to apply before upgrading Oracle GI and DB to 19c or downgrading to previous release (Doc ID 2539751.1)

If you are planning to upgrade your GI or RDBMS versions to 19c, you must consider applying the following patches before starting the upgrade operation.

####################   Database  upgrade    ####################

Before we start any upgrade  as best practice create a  guaranteed restore point 

1)   Stop Log shipping to  Data guard

2)    On Both Nodes ,

mkdir -p /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1

Download and  unzip  database software

3)    On both nodes Run  with below contents

./runInstaller -ignorePrereq -waitforcompletion -silent    -responseFile /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/install/response/db_install.rsp  oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY  ORACLE_HOSTNAME=yourhosname  UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall  INVENTORY_LOCATION=/oragridzj/app/oraInventory   SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,en_GB ORACLE_BASE=/oraswzj/app/oracle   oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE oracle.install.db.OSDBA_GROUP=oinstall oracle.install.db.OSBACKUPDBA_GROUP=oinstall    oracle.install.db.OSDGDBA_GROUP=oinstall     oracle.install.db.OSKMDBA_GROUP=oinstall   oracle.install.db.OSRACDBA_GROUP=oinstall   SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false  DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true

As a root user, execute the following script(s):
        1. /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/

4)  download  pre upgraade jar    ( 1st node  )

Download the latest "preupgrade.jar" file from MOS 884522.1.

unzip in 19c home    $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

unzip -o /u01/software/preupgrade_19_cbuild_??

5)  run pre upgrade script from 19c home

export ORACLE_HOME=/orazj/oraswzj/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1

/oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/jdk/bin/java -jar /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/preupgrade.jar TERMINAL TEXT  >> dbname_precheck.log

6)  run  pre upgrade  recomendation  received from step  5 on all database 

>> purge recyclebin :  purge  dba_recyclebin ;
>> utlrp.sql
>>  undo , system , sysaux , temp tablespace


7)   copy  dbs and  network files  from old home to new home
   ( both the servers )

cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*  /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/dbs/
cp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/*  /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/

8) enable rac on  new home  on both servers in 19c home

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib

make -f rac_on
make -f ioracle

9)   Shutdown database from old home and remove from crs

shutdown old database    ( srvctl  stop database -d )

remove  database from  ocr from   old  home and add  from new home
From old Oracle_Home:
% $ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl remove database -d db_name

10)   update new  home  in .profile   on both servers

11)   Upgrade  database  from new home  on 1st node only

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF

alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile ;
startup upgrade;
You can run the upgrade using either of the following commands. The second is actually just a shorthand for the former.

# Regular upgrade command.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/  $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql

# Shorthand command.

alter system set cluster_database=true  scope=spfile ;

12)  Update timezone , gather stats and run post script  that will be generated in step 5 

--->>>  start databse   in upgrade mode 

SELECT * FROM v$timezone_file;
-- Begin upgrade to the latest version.
  l_tz_version PLS_INTEGER;
  l_tz_version := DBMS_DST.get_latest_timezone_version;

  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('l_tz_version=' || l_tz_version);


-- Do the upgrade.
  l_failures   PLS_INTEGER;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('DBMS_DST.upgrade_database : l_failures=' || l_failures);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('DBMS_DST.end_upgrade : l_failures=' || l_failures);

-- Check new settings.
SELECT * FROM v$timezone_file;

COLUMN property_name FORMAT A30
COLUMN property_value FORMAT A20

SELECT property_name, property_value
FROM   database_properties
WHERE  property_name LIKE 'DST_%'
ORDER BY property_name;

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF

13)  enable  cluster mode  to true

alter system set cluster_database=true  scope=spfile ;

14)  add database to crs from  new home .  If we are facing  PRKC-1137
and PRCT-1402   , copy  osdbagrp  from grid home to 19c  dbhome

mv osdbagrp
cp /oragridzj/app/19.3.0/grid/bin/osdbagrp .

srvctl add database -d DBNAME  -o /oraswzj/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1 -s '+DATA/DBNAME/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.310.951432401'  -role {PRIMARY | PHYSICAL_STANDBY

srvctl add instance -d DBNAME   -i DBNAME1  -n SERVER1
srvctl add instance -d DBNAME   -i DBNAME2  -n SERVER2

15)   Perform post  checks

 check  invalid count
verify  dba_registry


16)  Detach 12c home from  1st node  only 

-detachHome -silent ORACLE_HOME=/oraswzj/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 

17)  Fix netbackup  for database backups 

A)  create  softlink in 19chome/lib pointing to  netbackup .  Check 12c for  reference 
B)  Correct database home path in  backup script 

18)   Start dataguard log shipping and  verify log sync 

19)  update monitoring , upgrade  catalog database  . If  upgrade catalog fails

RMAN-07539: insufficient privileges to upgrade the catalog schema

Refer : Doc ID 2558120.1

SQL> grant CREATE ANY CONTEXT to rman;
SQL> > grant drop ANY CONTEXT to rman;

#################### Restart database upgrade from where it failed failed   ####################

1) Check logs where

grep -i 'error at line' catupgrd*.log

PHASE_TIME___START 15 15-01-16 08:49:41

2)  Start upgrade from step where it failed

dbupgrade -p 15

######################## rhpserver / mgmtdb  disable after 19c upgrade  ####################

If failed to  failed to run  Pre  upgrade patch before starting upgrade procedure mgmt database  will be in disabled state  after upgrade.

In 19c  Mgmt database is optional , but still if you want to fix, we can use below  procedure  to bring it online .

Bring mgmt online 


The first thing is to bring up the MGMTDB in the 12.1 GI_HOME.

srvctl enable mgmtdb
srvctl start mgmtdb
srvctl status mgmtdb


Once the MGMTDB is up and running, you need to drop the RHP service that was created during the rootupgrade process. This has to be done from the 18.5 GI_HOME.

[root@node2 ~]# env | grep ORA
[root@node2 ~]# srvctl remove rhpserver -f

3)  Now that the RHP service has been removed, we need to remove the MGMTDB in 12.1.

# As root user in BOTH nodes
#Node 1
[root@node1 ~]#  export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
[root@node1 ~]#  export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
[root@node1 ~]# crsctl stop res ora.crf -init
[root@node1 ~]# crsctl modify res ora.crf -attr ENABLED=0 -init
#Node 2
[root@node2 ~]#  export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
[root@node2 ~]#  export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
[root@node2 ~]# crsctl stop res ora.crf -init
[root@node2 ~]# crsctl modify res ora.crf -attr ENABLED=0 -init
# As oracle User on Node 1
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; srvctl relocate mgmtdb -node node1
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; srvctl stop mgmtdb
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; srvctl stop mgmtlsnr

 /u01/app/ -silent -deleteDatabase -sourceDB -MGMTDB

oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; srvctl remove mgmtdb
Remove the database _mgmtdb? (y/[n]) y
##### Manually Removed the mgmtdb files
##### Verify that the files for MGMTDB match your environment before deleting them
ASMCMD&amp;gt; ls
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm system.258.879563493
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm sysaux.257.879563483
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm undotbs1.259.879563509
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm spfile.268.879563627
ASMCMD&amp;gt; cd ../TEMPFILE
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm TEMP.264.879563553
ASMCMD&amp;gt; cd ../ONLINELOG
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm group_1.261.879563549
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm group_2.262.879563549
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm group_3.263.879563549
ASMCMD&amp;gt; rm Current.260.879563547

Once the MGMTDB is deleted, then we run the (which you can grab from MOS Doc 2065175.1) and add the MGMTDB in the 18.5 GI_HOME.

# As oracle User on Node 1
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; env | grep ORA
oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; ./ --addmdb --target=+DBFS_DG

# As root user in BOTH nodes

[root@node1 ~]# crsctl modify res ora.crf -attr ENABLED=1 -init
[root@node1 ~]# crsctl start res ora.crf -init

[root@node2 ~]# crsctl modify res ora.crf -attr ENABLED=1 -init
[root@node2 ~]# crsctl start res ora.crf -init


Once the MGMTDB has been recreated, we now rerun the -executeConfigTools command, and we can now see that the cluster status is NORMAL and everything is running as expected in 18.5 version.

oracle@node1 : ~&amp;gt; env | grep ORA
/u01/app/18.5.0/grid/ -executeConfigTools -responseFile /tmp/gridresponse.rsp -silent
crsctl query crs activeversion -f
crsctl check cluster -all

Reference : 

How to Move/Recreate GI Management Repository (GIMR / MGMTDB) to Different Shared Storage (Diskgroup, CFS or NFS etc) (Doc ID 1589394.1)
12.2: How to Create GI Management Repository (Doc ID 2246123.1)
MDBUtil: GI Management Repository configuration tool (Doc ID 2065175.1)

######################## Rollback Plan for Grid home   ####################

1) On  1st node only , Delete Mgmt database  with grid user on main node 

srvctl status mgmtdb
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -sourceDb  -MGMTDB

2) On Both nodes  , Downgrade  grid  with root user  on all node 

$ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -downgrade

3) Remove the 19c grid_home from Active  cluster inventory: ( only from one node)

cd /sharearea/crs/grid19c/oui/bin

oracle$./runInstaller -nowait -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -updateNodeList -silent CRS=false  

4) On first node only  Update the active cluster inventory with  ORACLE 12C grid home ( only from one node)

cd /crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/oui/bin

oracle$ ./runInstaller -nowait -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -updateNodeList -silent CRS=true  

5) On first node only   START THE CRS FROM ORACLE 12C GRID HOME  for all  nodes 

:/crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin# ./crsctl start crs

6) On first node only  Remove MGMTDB service from cluster.

srvctl remove mgmtdb -f 

7) On first node only   Create the MGMTDB CONTAINER DB:

/crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin/dbca -silent -createDatabase -createAsContainerDatabase true 
-templateName MGMTSeed_Database.dbc -sid -MGMTDB -gdbName _mgmtdb -storageType ASM -diskGroupName +MGMT 
-datafileJarLocation /crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/assistants/dbca/templates -characterset AL32UTF8 

-autoGeneratePasswords -skipUserTemplateCheck

8) On first node only 

Configure the Management Database by running  the Configuration Assistant from the location 

/crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin/dbca -silent -createDatabase -createAsContainerDatabase true 
-templateName MGMTSeed_Database.dbc -sid -MGMTDB -gdbName _mgmtdb -storageType ASM -diskGroupName +MGMT 
-datafileJarLocation /crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c/assistants/dbca/templates -characterset AL32UTF8 

-autoGeneratePasswords -skipUserTemplateCheck

9)  On first node Only 

Configure the Management Database by running  the Configuration Assistant from the location 

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/mgmtca —local.

10)   On first node  only ,   As grid user, run the script  from 19c Grid home:

$ $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -downgrade -clusterType SC -destHome /u01/app/19.0.0/grid 

-lowerVersion -oraBase /u01/app/grid2

 ##########  Deconfigure  19c grid if  upgrade fails and  rollback steps  not possible  ##########

1) Deconfigure from  both nodes  from 19c home 

/oragrid/app/19.3.0/grid//crs/install/ -deconfig -force -verbose

2)  Cleanup below files if present,in both nodes:

ls -l /oragrid/app/grid/crsdata/nodename/crsconfig/ckptGridHA_nodename.xml
ls -l /oragrid/app/grid/crsdata/@global/crsconfig/ckptGridHA_global.xml

If it's still there, please remove it manually with "rm" command on all nodes

3)  If GPNP profile is different between nodes/setup, clean it up on all nodes as grid user

$ find <GRID_HOME>/gpnp/* -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;

4) Nullify all 3  ocr disk   (  Please do only for  Ocr disk .  if you perform for data disk your data will be lost )   

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/raw/raw13 bs=1048576 count=50

5) Run again on both node from 12c  home 


6) Add database and instance to  ocr using srvctl add database / srvctl add instance 

######################## Rollback Plan for Database home   ####################

1)  Fix  timezone if   we have  run  timezone script as part of upgrade.  To find which time zone file version your database is  currently using, query V$TIMEZONE_FILE 

SQL> select * from  V$TIMEZONE_FILE;

For example:

If the query returns timezlrg_18.dat in the column V$TIMEZONE_FILE.FILENAME, then check if the file is present in the target Oracle Home:

Linux and UNIX


2)  On   1st node only    Downgrade   from 19c  database 

Start 1st instance only with cluster database to false 

from 19c home
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin


from 19c home
SQL> startup downgrade

3) on 1st  node only Reload  from 12c home 

 startup upgrade
SQL> $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catrelod.sql
SQL> $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

4) On 1st  node only ,   Gather  stats , 

execute dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats;

#################### Oracle reference links   ####################

1)   Restart  Database  upgrade from failed  state

2)  Downgrade  Oracle  database

3)  Upgrade reference

Oracle 19c - Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrades to Non-CDB Oracle Database 19c (Doc ID 2539778.1)

4) Downgrade Grid

5)  To deconfigure  Cluesterware when upgrade fails and  rollback not possible 

How to Deconfigure/Reconfigure(Rebuild OCR) or Deinstall Grid Infrastructure (Doc ID 1377349.1)

How to Abort Grid Infrastructure Upgrade Without Taking a Cluster Outage (Doc ID 1910156.1)

5)  Fix pre upgrade issues 

Oracle 19c Preupgrade Log Warns Oracle Streams must be Removed Though no Streams is Setup (Doc ID 2666384.1)   

#################### Installing  19c client in silent mode     ####################

1) Download   19c software and unzip it 

2)  Prepare response file   /client/response/client_install.rsp


3)  Run below  from install directory 

cd /software/client
$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -showProgress -silent -responseFile  /software/client/response/client_install.rsp

####################  Issue faced during upgrade    ####################

1) Grid  upgrade failed : 
SInce we doing silent upgrade , it failed few times since response  file was not right . Once we drafted right response file , it was piece of cake 

2) MGMT database was not upgraded . 
Since we missed to apply pre patch ,  mgmt database was not upgraded . . Later we manually upgraded mgmt database 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Fix Oracle Binary permission -- Copy using unix stat command

Fix Oracle Binary permission -- Copy using unix stat command

One of biggest challenge we have  when your oracle binary  permission is messed up either for patching  or for any other reason .

There are multiple  ways people choose like applying  sticky  bit ,  ACL  etc   which  depends from environment to environment .

However when nothing is   working  best work around is   to  copy   binary permission from Good oracle home and  apply same to  home where  issue persist

Please note this is just work around  undocumented method  need to be used at you own risk

In below  case source  server is from where you want to copy binary permission from  and target server is where binary permission are messed up and  you need to apply  binary permission to

######  on source  server ##### 

Use below  to copy   good binary  permission   to be applied to target  .

cd ..

stat -c "%a %n" `find db_1` > /optware/oracle/tmp/a.txt
find db_1 -exec stat -c "%a %n" {} \; >> /optware/oracle/tmp/a.txt

######   on target ###########

Copy   a.txt    from   source  server and follow  below to apply  permission to  target binary server

cd ..
sh /optware/oracle/tmp/perm.ksh      (  below is  content of  file )

cat  /optware/oracle/tmp/perm.ksh
cat  /tmp/b.txt|while read ln
chmod $ln |tee -a /optware/oracle/tmp/permchange.log

Oracle Cascading Standby

                                           Oracle   Cascading Standby 

The cascade standby database concept was introduced from Oracle 9i Release 2 onwards. In the latest versions and releases there are many changes in the cascade standby databases. The cascade standby database concept was introduced to reduce the load on your primary database and to transmit redo data from the primary to all standby databases, and the network bandwidth needs to be large enough to handle the load. If it is a huge OLTP then it will be more problematic to handle.

A cascaded redo transport destination (also known as a terminal destination) receives primary database redo indirectly from a standby database rather than directly from a primary database.

A physical standby database that cascades primary database redo to one or more terminal destinations at the same time it is applying changes to its local database files is known as a cascading standby database.

With cascading, the overhead associated with performing redo transport is offloaded from a primary database to a cascading standby database.

A cascading standby database can cascade primary database redo to up to 30 terminal destinations.

As of Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), a cascading standby database can either cascade redo in real-time (as it is being written to the standby redo log file) or non-real-time (as complete standby redo log files are being archived on the cascading standby).   Key point is  setting valid_for=(standby_logfiles,standby_role)    on cascading standby  to  enable   log shipping in mount stage

We can understand redo transport behavior from  Oracle Doc


 A logical standby database or a snapshot standby database cannot act as a Cascading standby database. In other words, a logical or a snapshot standby cannot retransmit the redo data to a cascaded standby database.

2. A cascading environment cannot be used if the primary database is a RAC configuration. (This restriction has been removed from

3. Only physical standby databases can cascade redo.

4. Real-time cascading requires a license for the Oracle Active Data Guard option.

5. Non-real-time cascading is supported on destinations 1 through 10 only. (Real-time cascading is supported on all destinations.)

Implementations :

To minimize the lag, Standby Redo Logs are needed while implementing Cascaded Standbys to make use of the Real Time Apply feature.

Primary Site:
DB Unique Name : srprim
Hostname       : ora1-1

Cascading Site:
DB Unique Name : srpstb
Hostname       : ora1-2

Cascaded Site:
DB Unique Name : srcstb
Hostname       : ora1-3

On the primary, I set “log_archive_dest_3” parameter to ship the redo to “srcstb”. Of-course, the “log_archive_dest_state_3” would be deffered as I do not want the primary to ship the redo to the cascaded standby.

Data guard broker can only be created between  srprim and srpstb

By doing so, the concept of “cascaded standby” does not come into picture.

I set “log_archive_dest_3” on primary to ship the redo to “srcstb”, so that, if in case, “srpstb” goes down or is unreachable, then there wouldn’t be any DR database. So, as an alternate option, I have set this paramete

Set the log_archive_config parameter on all the 3 databases to host the value of all 3 database unique names.

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
log_archive_config                   string      DG_CONFIG=(srprim,srpstb,srcstb)

On the cascading standby database “srpstb”, set the parameter “log_archive_dest_3” to ship the redo data to the cascaded standby database “srcstb”.

SYS@srpstb> sho parameter dest_2

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_create_online_log_dest_2          string   
log_archive_dest_2                   string      service=srprim valid_for=(online_logfiles,primary_role) db_unique_name=srprim

SYS@srpstb> show parameter dest_3

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_create_online_log_dest_3          string   
log_archive_dest_3                   string

SYS@srpstb> alter system set log_archive_dest_3='service=srcstb valid_for=(standby_logfiles,standby_role) db_unique_name=srcstb';

SYS@srpstb> alter system set log_archive_config='DG_CONFIG=(srprim,srpstb,srcstb)';

On “srcstb”, set the log_archive_config parameter and “fal_server” parameter.
FAL_SERVER on “srcstb” should use the NET alias name of “srpstb” as it would be receiving the redo data from “srpstb” database.

SYS@srcstb> select status,instance_name,database_role,open_mode from v$database,v$instance;

------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------------------

SYS@srcstb> alter system set log_archive_config='DG_CONFIG=(srprim,srpstb,srcstb)';

SYS@srcstb> alter system set fal_server='srpstb';

SYS@srcstb> alter system set fal_client='srcstb';

SYS@srcstb> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=/oradb/app/oracle/archive/orcl_stby2';