Though there are many documents online for recovering standby using service , i thought of documenting mine to have handy steps for myself and help others too
Before we take decision to recover from service . try below troubleshooting steps first
-- take new archive from primary . This is ensure current log on standby is not corrupted
-- restart standby database
-- take new standby controlfile from primary
-- try to start mrp with no real time apply
-- try to start mrp in mount
-- take new standby controlfile from primary
-- try to start mrp with no real time apply
-- try to start mrp in mount
-- try to start mrp without parallel
-- try to start mrp on another rac node
If there are any nologging changes we can use below doc to fix nologging changes .
Rolling a Standby Forward using an RMAN Incremental Backup To Fix The Nologging Changes (Doc ID 958181.1)
Recovery Steps :
1. Get the latest SCN from standby:
select to_char(current_scn) from v$database;
2. Stop Managed Recovery and Redo Transport via Data Guard Broker
DGMGRL> edit database <primary> set state=TRANSPORT-OFF;
DGMGRL> edit database <standby> set state=APPLY-OFF;
3. Take backup of location of files
select name from v$datafile
union all
select member from v$tempfile
union all
select memeber from v$logfile ;
4. Restore Standby Controlfile
$ srvctl stop database -d <standbydb> -o immediate
$ rman target / nocatalog
RMAN> startup nomount
RMAN> restore standby controlfile from service <tns alias for primary database>;
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> catalog start with '<DATA DISKGROUP>/<standby db_unique_name/';
RMAN> catalog start with '<RECO DISKGROUP>/<standby db_unique_name>/';
5. Restore Any Missing Files that are added recently after gap
RMAN> select file# from v$datafile where creation_change# >= 644203931; -- from step 1 . ( this is run on primary )
Below are on standby
RMAN> run {
allocate channel c1 type disk;
allocate channel c2 type disk;
allocate channel c3 type disk;
allocate channel c4 type disk;
allocate channel c5 type disk;
allocate channel c6 type disk;
allocate channel c7 type disk;
allocate channel c8 type disk;
set newname for database to NEW;
restore datafile <comma separate list of files> from service <tns alias for primary database> section size <section size>;
RMAN> switch database to copy;
6. Clear Online Redo Logs and Standby Redo Logs .
Execute the following query in SQL*PLUS on the standby to create new logfiles.
SQL> begin
for log_cur in ( select group# group_no from v$log )
execute immediate 'alter database clear logfile group '||log_cur.group_no;
end loop;
SQL> begin
for log_cur in ( select group# group_no from v$standby_log )
execute immediate 'alter database clear logfile group '||log_cur.group_no;
end loop;
7. Restart All Instances to Mount and Re-Enable Redo Transport
$ srvctl stop database -db <dbname> -o immediate
$ srvctl start database -db <dbname> -o mount
DGMGRL> edit database <primary> set state=TRANSPORT-ON;
8 Run Recover From Service
Dont use noredo or "recover standby database" because in some cases the RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO command does not apply the incremental changes to the standby database and it just completes in few seconds.
The NOREDO clause specifies that the archived redo log files must not be applied during recovery. Its mainly use when Olr are lost on standby .
The RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE command restarts the standby instance, refreshes the control file from the primary database, and automatically renames data files, temp files, and online logs. It restores new data files that were added to the primary database and recovers the standby database up to the current time.
When you use the RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE command to refresh a standby database, you specify either a FROM SERVICE clause or a NOREDO clause. The FROM SERVICE clause specifies the name of a primary service. The NOREDO clause specifies that backups should be used for the refresh, which allows a standby to be rolled forward to a specific time or SCN
If you wat to prefer to use "RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE" method its documented in 2431311.1 . However we might face Implicit Crosschecking and Cataloging issue using "RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE" and we have to set db_recovery_file_dest='' as documented in Doc 1489027.1
$ rman target sys/<password> <- It is necessary to connect with the password
RMAN > run {
allocate channel c1 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 1 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c2 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 1 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c3 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 1 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c4 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 1 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c5 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 2 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c6 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 2 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c7 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 2 SID_NAME>';
allocate channel c8 type disk connect '/@<standby instance 2 SID_NAME>';
recover database from service '<primary unique name>' section size <section size> using compressed backupset;
select INST_ID,SID,SERIAL#,OPNAME, (sofar/totalwork)*100 as "%complete", ELAPSED_SECONDS, TIME_REMAINING
from gv$session_longops
where sofar<>totalwork
and totalwork<>0
and SID||SERIAL# in (select SID||SERIAL# from v$session);
From the primary:
SQL> alter system archive log current;
Then from SQL*PLUS on the standby issue the command below. The UNTIL CONSISTENT clause cannot be used in RMAN.
SQL> recover automatic standby database until consistent;
select inst_id,GROUP#,TYPE,MEMBER from gv$logfile --> Verify log mapped to right path
Verify standby_file_management on standby
9. Re-Enable Flashback Database
SQL> alter database flashback on;
10. Restart the Standby and Managed Recovery
$ srvctl stop database -db <dbname> -o immediate
$ srvctl start database -db <dbname> -o 'read only'
DGMGRL> edit database <standby> set state=APPLY-ON;
Reference :
How to Roll Forward a Standby Database Using Recover Database From Service (Doc ID 2850185.1)
Roll Forward a Physical Standby Database Using RMAN Incremental Backups 'Recover Database Noredo' Does Nothing (Doc ID 841765.1)
Rolling a Standby Forward using an RMAN Incremental Backup To Fix The Nologging Changes (Doc ID 958181.1)
Roll Forward Physical Standby Using RMAN Incremental Backup in Single Command (Doc ID 2431311.1)